Wow, what a guy won't do to change the channel.
Looks like the Smartest Guy in the Room [Conservative chapter] is having a week from hell. First he's had his three-year-old words thrown back in his um, er face in an alleged bribery incident (as opposed to entrapment) from a biography on the late Chuck Cadman. The family of the dead man -- a well-respected one, at that -- provide the same story of the alleged bribe. Looking like a Fred Astaire imposter, our Prime Minister puts on his dancing shoes and does a funky two-step in hopes of dodging the hard questions.
But the story grows. So what's Harper's next defence? Some ol' quotes from Mike 'Are You Going To Eat That?' Duffy, which is repeated ad nauseum by the west coast's version of John Baird (strangely enough, Chuck Cadman's quotes on CKNW are not reprised as much). Blogging Tories do their best to swiftboat anyone that isn't a Harper CON, including the widow, who just happens to be the party's candidate in Surrey North.
Okay, you knew all that.
But just remember, this is the same 'so-called leader' who denied paying off a candidate and then was revealed to have promised said payment, leading to an out-of-court settlement.
So, besides trying to silence the opposition with a lawsuit (apparently he really wanted Calvert to sue him!) he is accused of sending an underling to create some mischief southside with the Democrat presidential race. Barack Obama, feel Stephen's wrath!
Now less people are talking about Chuckgate and now are onto NAFTA-gate.
It's sort of like Harper and his Apple-dum-Ass Gang's claim of 'Peace In Our Times of Intergovernmental affairs' -- vaudeville lives!
It's becoming clearer and clearer that Stephen Harper is less a fan of Stalin than of Nero. If only he could fiddle...
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