Saturday, January 8, 2011
Is this what happens when the leaders of one partisan political group fire up their supporters into hatred?
I'm sending my prayers for the victims, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. The early stories suggest it was an opponent of Obama's health care program that entered a shopping centre in Tucson, killing six including a nine-year-old girl, and injured a dozen others.
Should I hold my breath for FOX News' talking heads to apologize for leading in stirring up the debate with their lies and fearmongering, or just rely upon them to attempt to turn this tragedy on its head and turn it into more fuel?
Here in Canada, there are plenty who are expecting hatred and irrational anger to lead them to the promised land. That one of their staple tenets is against gun control doesn't help in the feeling that this could happen here, too.
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"Where does it ene?" You ask. The answer is that it won't. The poison that is fostered by the right-wing and their M.O. of hate-mongering is on the rise and coming to a parliamentary riding near you.
The Democrats were scaremongering about "internal terrorists" and they seem to have found one. Their media machine has already branded him as Tea Party yet no connection to them or even the Republicans has been shown. What was it the Dems said? "Never let a a good crisis go to waste"
Remember this:
Can we expect an apology from you when you find out this guy suffers from schizophrenia? Maybe you should go read the stuff this guy posted to Youtube before you start throwing self-serving political spin into this tragedy. Maybe start here. Or maybe you cold read some of the stuff people who actually knew him are saying.
The shooter was nuts.
Someone who knew him said he was "left wing" or Liberal.
A lot of people oppose Obama's health plan including a few who are unstable.
The FOX news talking heads may be blathering into a blank camera but it's going out to the public with no reality filtering -- try sitting through 15 minutes of G-Beck or ONeill or Lush Rumbah. Then you have certain leaders of the far-right spouting off on topics where fear is easily ignited -- 9-11 terrorists came from Canada! even Harper's gang tried to capitalize on that, with their ramped up bandwagoning on Arar's plight... Yes, let's wait and hear what the facts are. But in the end, the reality is that those spouting off just to incite their 'fans', mentally stable and the rest of them, are culpable for not thinking first before flapping.
And yes, as someone who regularly volunteers during a campaign I remember the hate-like acts done during the last election. And go over some of Harper's diatribes to his fanbase... it isn't far from paranoid hatred.
The Liberals' shame? Making fun of Stockwell Day after he made a stupid statement. The person behind that campaign has been long gone, but the anger by the CON-bots lives on...
The Communist manifesto was loved by this clown and found at his house.
His friends from school describe him as more left, quite liberal.
Seems to me his friends would be more than likely in the NDP or the Liberal Party of Canada rather than the Tea party in the USA.
This nut was reading Mein Kampf. It seems you read One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish.
You accuse others of hating. Judging from what you are spewing now I'd suggest you are no better; Whats worse is you don't even realize it.
Despite the fact that Jared Lee Loughner was a psychotic loner with “left-wing” beliefs according to those who knew him, the establishment has hastily exploited yesterday’s tragic shooting in Tucson to demonize conservatives, libertarians and gun owners while ordering Americans to “tone down the rhetoric,” which is nothing more than a euphemism for stifling dissent and coercing people to roll over on Obamacare, bailouts and whatever big government is preparing to unleash next.
Harper reads a lot on Stalin.... just saying. I'm sure there are gun-totin' left-wingers in the states, but while i'm as guilty as anyone of jumping to conclusions, I don't doubt that the temperature of debate and lack of accountability among those who stir it up won't bother to check the mirror today. A deranged gunman, who thanks to the forces of the NRA had easy access and ability to port in public, could easily be influenced by the likes of the teaparty, palin, lumbagh, geck etc.
oh its nice to see the CON trolls are out in defence. How long before they blame this tragedy on some 'financial boondoggle'?
What was Major Hassan Nidal's motivation for the killings at Fort Bragg? Did you immediately assume it was Islamic terror inspired or did you call for all the facts? Just wondering...
And just in case, it would appear that the facts support the conclusion-jumpers in that case. Not so much this one.
One veteran Democratic operative, who blames overheated rhetoric for the shooting, said President Barack Obama should carefully but forcefully do what his predecessor did.
“They need to deftly pin this on the tea partiers,” said the Democrat. “Just like the Clinton White House deftly pinned the Oklahoma City bombing on the militia and anti-government people.”
"A deranged gunman, who thanks to the forces of the NRA had easy access and ability to port in public, could easily be influenced by the likes of the teaparty, palin, lumbagh, geck etc. "
Actually it's the 2nd Ammendment in the USA that gives the people the right to protect oneself.
You can't go around taking away people's liberty and means to protect one's family because of one clown,can you?
In Canada you go to jail for defending yourself.
This guy will be going to jail for life, while if this happened in Marxist Canada, he would be getting YOUR full sympathy.
"I'm sure there are gun-totin' left-wingers in the states,"
You're damn right there is.
The Congresswoman who was shot is a pro-gun Democrat.
You are losing your mind with your insinuations and innuendos.
CON logic at work: a handful of people take advantage of a funding program to strengthen the national feeling in Quebec and steal some money -- blame all Liberals. Liberal ministers want questions answered and the rule of law followed, including personal rights protected, of a Canadian virtually kidnapped by the CIA and foreign forces under the auspices of 'a terrorist' -- CONs call out 'Soft on Terrorism!' (and quietly mumble under their breath when Maher Arar is returned)... Opposition MPs demand answers as to why, how and when prison exchange and how the prisoners captured by Canadian forces are being tortured by the Afghan officials -- all questioners are Taliban sympathizers.
Their best tool of defence when they're caught breaking their holier-than-thou promises is "the Liberals did it first!"
I guess it's true, if you can't catch a weasel you can't pin the obvious on them.
"You can't go around taking away people's liberty and means to protect one's family because of one clown,can you?
In Canada you go to jail for defending yourself."
Nice use of false logic and strawmen. Tell me where to mail my protest as I'll send one in if someone's in prison 'just defending themselves'. The law is there to protect the people and public. That America's issues with guns sees its murder rate right up there with the worst third-world thug African countries will never sink in with your slogan -- my gun and I.
So would the next obvious jump in your logic be that if that 9 year old girl was packing heat she may be alive today, right?
Shame on you.
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